Enjoy life

4:21 AM

Wine,chocolate and sunset on my balcony, this is how I spended one afternoon enjoying  the nice view of mountains in the  backround and even nicer song of birds instead of sound of my phone.Not looking on time,not thinking about problems ,future or past.
I just turned off my switch button for a while…
After a while It came in my head and I realized that life moves at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it.However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Let’s rebel against a hectic lifestyle and slow down to enjoy life.
24 hours Is not enough for everything  especially when we don’t have time for ourselves. At least we think like that, because most of time we spend under stress,working,running for our goals and daily duties.
I always say we must find slower-paced life whitch  means making time to enjoy your mornings, instead of rushing off to work in a frenzy. It means taking time to enjoy whatever you’re doing, to appreciate the outdoors, to actually focus on whoever you’re talking to or spending time with instead of always being connected to your phone or laptop, instead of always thinking about work tasks and emails. It means single-tasking rather than switching between a multitude of tasks and focusing on none of them.
People must find a time to relax in between and to slow down because this leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.
Its not all about work and stress sometimes we must hit the pause button or how I call it `switch off button`.Just to sit and relax,enjoy in nature,music,favourite food or glass of wine or even our favourite hobby.
What do you think about it?
Writte me in comment and see you soon with new post! :)

Enjoy life

Vino, čokolada i zalazak sunca na balkonu, ovako sam ja proveo jedno popodne uživajući u fantastičnom pogledu na planine u pozadini i još lepšoj pesmi ptica umesto zvuka mog telefona.Ne gledajući na vreme, ne razmišljajući o problemima, budućnosti ili prošlosti.
Samo sam isključio svoj prekidač na neko vreme.
Nakon odredjenog vremena mi je došlo u glavu i shvatio sam da se život kreće tako brzim tempom koji nam se čini da proleti pre nego što zaista možemo uživati u njemu.Ali , to ne mora da bude tako. Hajde da se pobunimo protiv burnog života i usporimo da bih mogli da uživamo u životu.
24 časova dnevno nije dovoljno za sve, posebno kada nemamo vremena za sebe. Barem mislimo tako, jer većinu vremena provodimo pod stresom, na poslu ili dok radimo na našim ciljevima I dnevnim obavezama.
Ja uvek kažem da moramo da pronađemo sporiji tempo života sto znači stvaranje vremena za  uživanje u jutru, umesto jurenja na posao kao u ludilu.To znači da treba da date sebi vremena za uživanje, sta god da radite,da cenite sve ono sto je oko vas,da se fokusirate na one ljude sa kojima pričate ili one sa kojima provodite vreme umesto da uvek budete povezani samo sa vašim  telefonom ili laptopom i umesto što razmišljate stalno o poslovnim obavezama i mejlovima.To znači da je jedan zadatak ili cilj bolji nego prebacivanje između mnoštva zadataka i fokusiranje ni  na jedan od njih.
Ljudi moraju da nađu vremena za opuštanje između obaveza i da uspore jer to dovodi do veće zahvalnosti za život I mnogo  veći stepen sreće.
Nije sve u poslu i stresu ponekad moramo pritisnuti dugme za pauzu, ili kako ja to zovem `isključiti prekidač` .Sedite i opustite se, uživajte u prirodi, muzici, omiljenoj hrani uz čašu vina ili se čak okrenite ka vasem omiljenom hobiju.
Šta vi mislite o tome?
Pišite mi u komentarima I vidimo se uskoro sa sledećim postom! :)

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  1. A day without watching a clock or listening the phone beeping sounds really relaxing! I'd love to do that some day. Tomorrow will be my day off this week so maybe I try to relax for a little while during it. Some things are already scheduled but I believe that finding some moments for relaxation is better than nothing. :)

    Nora / https://dreamerachiever.com

    1. I wish you to spend nice day off and to find a time for relaxation. Thank you for your nice comment! :)

  2. Yup! I've personally been trying to not touch my phone at all when I'm around friends.
    Abbie E.

    1. I learned that the best way of showing someone respect is to focus on conversation and not looking on telephone also.Thank you on your comment :)

  3. I love this so much!!!!!!


  4. This is so true it's amazing how we get caught up in our lives and forget to actually enjoy the simplest things!

    1. All the people having the same problem this is why we must learn to relax and enjoy small things from time to time :)

  5. Everything you've said is so true, I always like to leave my phone for a few hours and get away from technology for a bit each day. I really enjoy taking time to appreciate the things that are around me, I think its a really important thing to do!

    Emily xx

  6. Yes! Such a good reminder to enjoy the little things in life. I'm resolved to take a page from your book today. :)

  7. Slazem se sa tobom. Ja radimm na tome da uzivam u svakodnevnim, naizgled malim stvarima koje nas okruzuju, jer zivot je ono sto se trenutno desava, dok se mi bavimo pravljenjem planova. :-) Divan post!

    1. U pravu si u potpunosti! Hvala ti puno! :D
      Drago mi je da ti se svidja moj post: :)

  8. You're deffo doing something right...love your style!

  9. Reading the post is making me feel relaxed. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Apsolutno se slazem sa tobom. Ja se trudim da nedjem uvek nesto lepo svaki dan i da predahnem od svakodnevnice.Bilo to da je sedenje na nekoj klupi u parku i gledanje u drvece :) ili bilo sta drugo. Super post i vakvi postovi uvek motiviraju :)

    1. Hvala ti puno! Mnogo mi znaci podrska ljudi koji procitaju neki od mojih postova , samim tim i ja dobijem jos vecu inspiraciju i motivaciju za pisanjem. :)

  11. Ohhh..wine, chocolate with sunset is the perfect life for me. Now I am longing for it. Love to see your post and make me so happy even to just imagine it.

    1. Thank you so much I am glad you liked it :D

  12. Enjoy things in life, the way you like it! Make sure you only like great things in life! :) Good post.

  13. Thanks for sharing this. really inspiring blog. Love to see this post.

  14. Over time i have come to realise how important the little things are and hoew much they matter. Thanks for sharing this

  15. Divan post! Slazem se da covek treba svakodnevno da uziva u malim stvarima, jer zivot upravo i cine male stvari. :-) http://www.stylequest.se/

  16. I so wish to do the same one day and enjoy life the way you spent.

  17. Relaxing is absolutely necessary from time to time.

  18. I tried to post a comment, but it disappeared, haha! Anyway, loved your post and I totally get the point of this text :-)

  19. Yes, we all should relax and enjoy love some more :D

  20. I absolutely agree! We lead such a busy life because we want to be ahead of the game and be the best at everything. Sometimes we should relax, unplug and enjoy the small moments.


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