17 Interesting Facts about Switzerland
3:18 AMWhen we say Switzerland what is the first thing on your mind? Country of chocolate, watches, land of cheese, beautiful mountains, also a country where everything is arranged!
Today I will share with you some interesting facts about this country also country where I live. Some of them you maybe already knew but some you will hear now.
So let's start ...

1. Switzerland is one of the largest exporters of chocolate. 18 Swiss companies made it 172,376 tons of chocolate in 2012. The Swiss eat the most chocolate during the year, an average of 11.3 kg per year.
2. Swiss manufacturers have developed techniques of making chocolate with edible gold.
3. Switzerland "Nestle" company is the largest food company in the world.
4. Heidi, one of the most popular children's books ever written, the work of Swiss author Johanna Spyri and has been translated into more than 50 languages and adapted for film or television about 20 times.
5. Albert Einstein came to his special theory of relativity and the famous formula E = mc² in Bern, Switzerland, 1905.
6. Switzerland has more high mountain peaks than any other country in Europe, even 48 to about 4000 m.
7. The company Rolex invented the first waterproof watch in 1927 in Switzerland.
8. Switzerland has the highest consumption of non-alcohol drinks in the world!
9. As for public transport in Switzerland with a single ticket, a passenger can pass the whole country a variety of vehicles - bus, train, boat, cable car ...
10. Switzerland has over 1,500 lakes!
11. At an altitude of 3,000 meters above the abyss of 500 meters, was opened in Switzerland "Titlis Cliff Walk", the largest suspension bridge in Europe.
12. "Gotthard tunnel" with its 57.1 kilometers is the largest railway tunnel in the world.
13. Switzerland has four official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh.
14. France, under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte is the only country that had conquered Switzerland.
15 Teachers job is one of the well better paid jobs in Switzerland. The average annual salary of 2014 amounted goes to $ 68,000
16. Emmentaler is a hard cheese, which originally comes from Switzerland, and today its different variants of products around the world. This cheese contains 45% fat. For ementaler characteristic large holes and aroma.
17. The legendary comedian Charlie Chaplin spent the last 25 years of his life in Switzerland.
Kada kažemo Švajcarska šta nam prvo padne na pamet? Zemlja čokolade,satova,zemlja sira,prelepih planina,takodje i zemlja u kojoj je sve uredjeno!
Danas ću sa vama podeliti neke interesantne činjenice o ovoj zemlji u kojoj i sam živim. Za neke možda i znate a za neke ćete sad čuti.
Pa da počnemo...
1. Švajcarska je jedan od najvećih izvoznika čokolade. 18 švajcarskih kompanija napravilo je 172.376 tona čokolade u 2012. Švajcarci jedu i najviše čokolade u toku godine , prosečno 11.3 kg godišnje
2. Švajcarski proizvođači razvili su tehnike izrade čokolade sa jestivim zlatom.
4. Hajdi, jedna od najpoznatijih knjiga za decu ikada napisanih, delo je švajcarske autorke Johanne Spyri i prevedena je na više od 50 jezika i prilagođena za film ili televiziju oko 20 puta.
5. Albert Ajnštajn je došao do svoje specijalne teorije relativnosti i čuvene formule E = mc² u Bernu, u Švajcarskoj, 1905. godine
6. Švajcarska ima više visokih planinskih vrhova nego bilo koja druga zemlja u Evropi, čak 48 na oko 4000 m.
7. Kompanija Rolex izumela je prvi vodootporni sat 1927. godine u Švajcarskoj.
8. Švajcarska ima najveću potrošnju bezalkoholnih pića u svetu!
9. Što se tiče javnog prevoza u Švajcarskoj sa jednom kartom putnik može proći celu zemlju raznim vozilima – autobusom, vozom, brodom, žičarom…
10. Švajcarska ima više od 1.500 jezera!
11. Na nadmorskoj visini od 3.000 metara, iznad ponora od 500 metara, u Švajcarskoj je otvoren „Titlis Cliff Walk“, najveći viseći most u Evropi.
12. "Gotard tunel“ sa svojih 57,1 kilometara je najveći železnički tunel na svetu.
13. Švajcarska ima četiri zvanična jezika: nemački, francuski, italijanski i retoromanski.
14. Francuska, pod vođstvom Napoleona Bonaparte je jedina zemlja koja je pokorila Švajcarsku.
15. Posao nastavnika je jedan od dobro plaćenijih poslova u Švajcarskoj. Prosečna godišnja plata od 2014 iznosi 68.000 dolara
16. Ementaler je tvrdi sir, koji izvorno potiče iz Švajcarske, a danas se njegove različite varijante proizvode širom sveta. Ovaj sir sadrži 45% masnoće. Za ementaler su karakteristične velike rupe i aroma.
17. Legendarni komičar Čarli Čaplin proveo je poslednjih 25 godina svog života u Švajcarskoj.
Really interesting! Such great fact, this is one of my favourite countries! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWoah edible gold! Very cool. Thanks for sharing this list!
ReplyDeleteYou welcome I am glad you like it! :D
Delete1500 lakes? I have never heard of Romansh. Interesting read as always Tomislav.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :D
DeleteInteresting! Home of chocs! I totally love chocolates and cheese. Switzerland was my dream travel list when I was little.....so good to know this about Switzerland....thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI also adore chocolates and cheese! :D This is one of the main reason i love Switzerland! :D
Deleteits so beautiful !! it my bucket list to be in Switzerland !! thanks for share !! i love this scenic pictures
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
DeleteInteresting read..Thank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
DeleteSome brilliant facts here, I didn't know Switzerland had so many lakes
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :D
DeleteSwitzerland has so much lakes and they are so stunning I never saw so clean and beautiful lakes like here! :D
i just love the captures :) beautiful post about Switzerland.
ReplyDeleteNice Pictures it's really so beautiful..
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
DeleteI've always wanted to go to Switzerland. Now I want to go more.
ReplyDeleteTrust me you would like it here! :D
DeleteThanks a lot :D
ReplyDeletesuper interesting post my dear! Love it!!!
Sounds an amazing place to visit (near to me) :D
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Thank you so much! :D
DeleteOf course I will follow you back! :D
Divan tekst! Volim Svajcarsku. posebno njihovu prirodu i cokoladu. :-)