Protectors of our immune system
4:34 AMCold and flu season has been hitting us really
hard this winter and we all
try to stay healthy and to find ways to protect ourselves from them.How would our bodies remained in perfect shape is
very important to strengthen imunity.Strong immunity not only that neutralize
the effects of the virus, but even in the case that you are sick, it reduces
the duration and severity of the disease.People are still turning to doctors and medicines
but there is also a folk medicine which is in most cases very useful.From my personal experience, I know for some of the effective influences of the
10 plants that I will share with you.
So let's start:
1.Elderberry Syrup
First on our list we have elderberry syrup. This
natural remedy is great for cold and flu relief. Elderberry is an
anti-inflammatory and carries anthocyanidins that stimulate your immune system.
It can even reduce the duration of the common cold.
Echinacea more than just a beautiful purple flower
this plant is known for its magical effects.
It reduces inflammation and relieves the pain.Tea of this plant is a rich source of phenols and organic acid .Prevents low immunity and increases resistance.
It reduces inflammation and relieves the pain.Tea of this plant is a rich source of phenols and organic acid .Prevents low immunity and increases resistance.
Ginger is one of the strongest antioxidants which
I know and is perfect protector of your immune system.
Ginger tea to drink 3-4 times a day and is the ideal protector also against cough and headaches.
Ginger tea to drink 3-4 times a day and is the ideal protector also against cough and headaches.
4.Raw garlic
This natural antibiotic successfully eliminate all
kinds of colds and flu is a good fighter against bronchitis.The best is eating
it raw, because during cooking garlic loses its capacity and its salubrity.Peel
a clove and finely chop it and then swallow it with water.
5.Oregano oil
When I think of oregano first thing I think of is
the addition of almost every meal.But did you know that oil of oregano is used
literally against everything because it has antibacterial, anti inflamative, it
is also an antioxidant and is perfect against parasites in your body.
Sage tea is good to combat inflammation of the pharynx and super in the fight against bacterial infections.
Ba;m of sage is used against pain.
Sage tea is good to combat inflammation of the pharynx and super in the fight against bacterial infections.
Ba;m of sage is used against pain.
Propolis is a medicinal product of small honey
Due to its composition, propolis works against viruses, fungi and bacterias.Propolis is unique because bacteria do not create resistance and no adverse effects.
Due to its composition, propolis works against viruses, fungi and bacterias.Propolis is unique because bacteria do not create resistance and no adverse effects.
Oil of eucalyptus fights colds, coughs, flu and
bronchitis.This oil helps expectoration and blockages in the mucosa.
Many use it for inhalation because it cleanses the body of harmful toxins and harmful microorganisms.
In the case of sinusitis is definitely on first aid.
Many use it for inhalation because it cleanses the body of harmful toxins and harmful microorganisms.
In the case of sinusitis is definitely on first aid.
9.Black cumin
Black cumin can be used to prevent flu or to
treat against common cold.It helps with prolonged cough, strengthens immunity
and contains more than 100 vitamin nutrient.
Lemon is an ideal natural product which is
traditionally used to treat cough and colds.It contains vitamin C, which
increases the defensive power of the organism.Glas of water with lemon daily is
ideal against headache.
Sezona gripe i prehlada nas je ove zime
pogodila bas žestoko i svi se trudimo da ostanemo zdravi i da pronadjemo načine kako bi se zaštitili od
istih.Kako bih naš organizam ostao u savršenoj formi jako je bitno jačanje
imuniteta.Jak imunitet ne samo da neutralise delovanje virusa, nego čak i u
slučaju da ste bolesni , smanjuje trajanje i težinu bolesti.Ljudi se uvek okreću ka doktorima i
lekovima ali tu je i narodna medicina koja je u većini slučajeva veoma korisna.Iz svog ličnog iskustva znam za neka od
delotvornih dejstava ovih 10 biljaka koje ću podeliti sa vama.
Pa da počnemo :1.Sirup od zove
Prvi na listi je sirup od zove.Ovaj
prirodni lek je odličan za prehlade i smirivanje gripa.
Zova je anti-inflamator i poseduje
antocijanin koji stimuliše imuni sistem koje takodje smanjuje trajanje
Echinacea je vise nego samo prelep ljubičast
cvet ova biljka je poznata po svojim magičnim svojstvima.
Ona smanjuje upalu i ublažava bol.Čaj od
ove biljke je bogat izvor fenola i organskih kiselina.Sprečava pad imuniteta i
povećava otpornost organizma.
Djumbir je jedan od najačih antioksidanata
za koje znam i savršen je zaštitnik vašeg imunog sistema.
Čaj od djumbira se pije 3-4 x dnevno i
idealan je zaštitnik takodje i protiv kašlja i glavobolje.
4.Presan beli luk
Ovaj prirodni antibiotik uspešno eliminiše
sve vrste prehlada i gripa dobar je borac protiv bronhitisa.Najbolje ga je
jesti presnog jer tokom kuvanja beli luk gubi svojstvo i svoju
lekovitost.Oljuštite jedan češanj i sitno ga iseckajte zatim ga progutajte sa
5.Origanovo ulje
Kada pomislim na origano prvo šta mi padne na
pamet je dodatak skoro svakom jelu.A da li ste znali da ulje od origana se
koristi bukvalno protiv svega jer ono je antibakterijsko,anti
inflamativno,takodje je antioksidant i savrseno je protiv parazita u vašem
Čaj od žalfije je dobar u borbi protiv
upale ždrela i super je u borbi protiv bakterijskih infekcija.
Melem od žalfije se
koristi protiv bolova.
Propolis je lekovit
proizvod malenih pčela medarica.
Zbog svog sastava
propolis deluje protiv virusa,gljivica i bakterija.Propolis je poseban po tome
što bakterije ne stvaraju otpornost i nema štetnih pojava.
Ulje od eukaliptusa se bori protiv
prehlade,kašlja,gripa i bronhitisa.Ovo ulje pomaže pri
iskašljavanju i pri začepljenju sluznica.
Mnogi ga koriste za inhalaciju jer čisti
telo od štetnih toksina i štetnih mikroorganizama.
U slučaju upale sinusa on je definitivno
prva pomoć.
9.Crni kumin
Crni kumin se može koristiti za sprečavanje
gripa ili za lečenje prehlade.On pomaže kod dugotrajnog kašlja,osnažuje
imunitet i sadrži više od 100 vitamina nutijenta.
Limun je idealan prirodni preparat koji se
tradicionalno koristi pri lečenju kod kašlja kod prehlade i gripa.Sadrzi vitamin
C koji povećava odbrandbenu moć organizma.Časa vode sa limunom dnevno je
idealna protiv glavobolje.
Thank you for the tips! Will try one of the recipe soon!
ReplyDeleteYou welcome! :)
DeleteGood tips! If I feel sick I quite often do smoothies with some orange or lemon, ginger and honey dew. Tasty and makes me feel better. :)
ReplyDeleteBest, Nora /
Thank you! Smoothies are very good and healthy I like them also :D
DeleteVery useful tips,thank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteYou welcome :D
DeleteVery useful tips here :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this useful information with us. It helps us a lot. Now a days everyone is suffering with cold and flu. Really helpful post. Gr8 work!
ReplyDeleteThank you on nice comment I am glad you like it :D
DeleteThank you for great tips.
ReplyDeleteGona save the link :)
Thank you also :D I am glad you like it :D
DeleteThis is a great list of options to try, some I've never thought of. It's certainly better than instantly hitting the medicine cabinet
ReplyDeleteYou are right about that! Thank you :)
DeleteThanks so much! This post would have been helpful last weekend when my whole family was sick. Now I know.
ReplyDeleteYou welcome :D I am glad you like it :D
DeleteI love ginger in juices or hard candies for a cold! I also have loved elderberry every time I've tried it, but where do you buy something like that!?
ReplyDeleteElderberry syrup you can find in drugstores or even in shops where they sell natural stuffs. :)
DeleteGinger is my favorite from your list! Love ginger!
Ginger has unique taste I like it so much and always it helps me. :D
DeleteGreat tips. I am an enthusiast of natural medicine and disease prevention :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteI always have Echinacea drops and/or bee pollen when I feel like a cold might be coming. And fresh lemon and ginger I love as a drink on regular basis, sooo good.
ReplyDeleteI totaly understand you I adore it also :D
DeleteThis is great! I suffer from a chronic cold during the winter months and this list is fab to help me try and shift it. I usually rely on ginger and lemon but now I've got a host of other things to try too! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteKatja xxx
I am so happy to help and I am glad you like it. :D Thank you so much on nice comment :D
DeleteVery helpful post! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteThese ar great tips- I've found myself falling ill quite a lot recently with the colder weather, so will use some of these recipes next time!
ReplyDeleteEmily xx
Thank you so much! :D
DeleteLove this list! We are what we eat! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are completely right :)
DeleteI remember my mother giving us Echinacea all the time! Love all your different homeopathic ideas! Great use during flu season! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :D
DeleteThanks for all the tips. I always drink ginger tea. My favourite
ReplyDeleteYou welcome :)
DeleteInteresting...and easy to follow.thanks Thomas.