The Girl on Paper by Guillaume Musso Review

1:56 AM

Hello pople!
There is no better way to relax during the hectic days if not with a good book, strong coffee and a perfect cake with strawberries.
For today's post I decided to write my first review of one of the books I've read recently.

This will be a novel The Girl on Paper written by French author Guillaume Musso.
This book made me totally thrilled, although its not the only one in his collection I readed.
The novel was published in 2010 and is one of the best-selling novels.

Something about the Author:

As I wrote Guillaume Musso is French author born in the in the French city Antib.As a child he read a lot and he liked to write so he knew  already that he would one day engage in writing.
After finishing high school, Guillaume went to America in search of his dreams.
His first book was published in 2001. and bears the name Skidamarink where it all begins stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre.
Another book he wrote was inspired by his traffic accident that befell him and bears the name,, Just be here``
Inspired by people who were one step away from death he wrote a book about a man who returns from death.According to this book is even movie made.
In 2009. Guillaume Musso was the second best-selling author in France. His books have been translated into 34 languages in 11 million copies worldwide.
He has written novels such as:
Call from an Angel, 7 years later, Will You Be There? ,Brooklyn Girl

Novel :

The novel is located in Los Angeles where lived famous writer Tom Boyd, the man who had everything in life.
He lived in a luxurious modern neighborhood and enjoyed the happy relationship with world famous pianist.However, after their disastrous breakup Tom closes in itself, loses inspiration and reveals the vices. Until one evening while on his door rings beautiful unknown woman who claims she is the heroine of his novel Billie that somehow got into the real world because of the typographical error in his last book, and if he does not write another novel, she will die.
Tom had to help her to make her back into the world of imagination and she will  provide assistance to re-regain his lost love.
Tom starts to believe it's really Billie and together with her he enter into an adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine in the seductive and deadly game.

I will not reveal more details, but I can tell you that the end is shoking and suprising.
This is definitely one of the books that will make you read it in one go.
Are you perhaps already read some of the books by this author?
Which is your favorite?
If you have already read the book, what do you think have left the biggest impression?
Write me in the comments and see you soon in the next post :)
The Girl on Paper by Guillaume Musso Review

Pozdrav ljudi!
Ne postoji bolji način za opuštanje tokom napornog dana ako ne uz dobru knjigu, jaku kafu I savršenu tortu sa jagodama.
Za današnji post odlučio sam da napišem moj prvi review jedne od knjiga koje sam skoro pročitao.
To će biti roman  Devojka od Papira koju je napisao Francuski autor Gijom Muso.
Ova knjiga me je skroz oduševila iako nije jedina iz njegove kolekcije koju sam pročitao.
Roman je objavljen 2010.godine I predstavlja jednu od njegovih najprodavanijih novela.

Nešto o autoru :

Kao što sam već napisao Gijom Muso je Francuski pisac.Rodjen je u Francuskom gradu Antib.Kao dete čitao je mnogo I voleo je da piše pa je I znao da ce se jednog dana baviti pisanjem.
Posle završene srednje škole Gijom odlazi u Ameriku u potrazi za svojim snovima.
Njegova prva knjiga objavljena je 2001. godine i nosi naziv Skidamarink u kojoj sve počinje kradjom Mona Lize iz Luvra.
Druga knjiga koju je napisao bila je inspirisana njegovom saobraćajnom nesrećom koja ga je zadesila I nosi naziv ,,Samo budi ovde``
Inspirisan ljudima koji su bili na korak do smrti napisao je knjigu o čoveku koji se vraća iz mrtvih.Po toj knjizi je čak I film snimljen.
Nakon 2009. Gijom Muso je bio drugi najprodavaniji autor u Francuskoj.Njegove knjige su prevedene na 34 jezika u 11 miliona primeraka širom sveta.
Napisao je novele kao što su : Zov andjela, 7 godina kasnije,Vrati mi se, Devojka iz Bruklina.

Radnja romana : 
Radnja romana smeštena je u Los Andjelesu gde živi slavni pisac Tom Bojd, čovek koji je imao sve u životu.
Živeo je u modernom luksuznom kvartu i uživao je u srećnoj vezi sa svetski poznatom pijaniskinjom .Medjutim, nakon njihovog katastrofalnog raskida Tom se zatvara u sebe,gubi inspiraciju I odaje se porocima.
Sve do jedne večeri dok mu na vrata ne pozvoni prelepa nepoznata žena koja tvrdi da je ona junakinja Bili iz njegovih romana koja je na neki način dospela u stvaran svet zbog štamparske greske u njegovoj poslednjoj knjizi I ako on ne napiše sledeci roman ona će umreti.Tom mora da joj pomogne kako bi se ona vratila u svet mašte a ona mu za uzvrat nudi pomoć da ponovo povrati svoju izgubljenu ljubav.
Tom počinje da veruje da je to stvarno Bili I zajedno se upuštaju u avanturu gde se stvarnost I mašta prepliću u zavodljivoj I smrtonosnoj igri.

Neću vam više otkrivati detalje ali mogu vam reći da je kraj šokantan I iznenadjujuć.
Definitivno je jedna od knjiga koja će vas naterati da je pročitate u jednom mahu.
Da li ste možda već čitali neke od knjiga ovog autora?
Koja vam je omiljena?
Ako ste već pročitali knjigu sta je na vas ostavilo najveći utisak?
Pišite mi u komentarima I vidimo se u sledećem postu :)

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  1. It sounds like the type of book I would enjoy reading. Might have to add this to the wishlist!

    1. It is very nice book I have enjoyed reading it :D

  2. Sounds interesting! If I would have time to read books (and a handbag that could fit them in) this would definitely go to my list. :)

    Nora /

    1. Thank you :D Trust me book is very nice :D

  3. Sounds really cool, I'll have to add it to my list :)

  4. This sounds wonderful! I'm definitely going to add this to my reading list :-) Thank you for sharing!

  5. I don't have much time for reading anymore but it will be a book I will keep an eye out for :)

  6. Great review Thomas! The book sounds interesting and promising. i am going to check out whether i can find it in my country.

    1. Thank you so much! :D I am so happy you liked my first review :D

  7. This is definitely going on my reading list - sounds lovely and you've described it in such a lovely way.

  8. Nisam citala nista od ovog autora, ali sada itekako imam zelju. Hvala na preporuci!

    1. Nema na cemu! :D Hvala tebi na lepom komentaru :D

  9. Amazing post! Definitely a book I would enjoy! :)

  10. I really would love to read this book thank you for the suggestion!

  11. That seems a great book!! I think i have seen about it but not sure. I have another exceent recommendation for you. Hunting and Gathering” by Anna Gavalda and in French "Ensemble, c’est tout". There is a movie also. A must read! :)

    1. Thank you on recommendation I will search for this book! :D

  12. Really nice post. Would love to read this book after the article written by you here.

  13. Reminds me of the flim ' stranger thsnks fiction ' it is one of my favourite films. If you like this book you would definitely like the flim x

  14. I've never heard of the author actually so never read any of the books. Not usually the l
    Kind of book I read but perhaps I should start! Ree love30

  15. Although I don't prefer reading fantasy books, you've definitely intrigued me to read this one!

  16. I love this story

  17. I haven't had as much time to read for pleasure as I normally do, but this seems like a good book to get back into the flow with! <3

  18. Sounds like a great book, adding to my list!

  19. No, I haven't read anything by Guillaume Musso, but the book sounds interesting.

    1. Guillaume Musso has really wonderful collection of novel some of them are really fantastic :D

  20. Lovely book I think. Will definitely read this novel. Thanks for this wonderful post 😊

  21. I love finding new books! Thanks for the review!

  22. Fantasy books might be not my thing. But that little cake sure is!! That looks delicious!

  23. Great review. Will keep the name in mind.
    Also very delicious dessert ;)

  24. This book sounds so good! I love reading books about writers!

    Kelly // Velvet and Vibranium

  25. This book sound so good, I would love to read it!
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  26. I would definately like to rea this book. It sounds nice

  27. With your review it seems like a really nice book.. will check it out..

    Greetings from Gidokblog

  28. Wow, sounds like a great book - I'm always on the lookout, so thanks!

  29. Your post help me to scan a whole book in a minute...For all busy readers,your posts will be great source of reading! waiting for next book..

    1. Thank you so much! :D I wanted to make it short and interesting as the whole book is :D I prepare already new review of book very soon :D

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