Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Expert Review

8:12 AM

As a teenager I had always problems with acnes and blackheads.It has created me a great unpleasantness, and my confidence was fading. But as the years passed acnes diminished and disappeared.

But it is normal that not all of them disappear, still there is a place on the face, where they regularly pop up from time to time.
But that has changed, by coincidentally at the pharmacy I found solution for my problem.My
pharmacist recommended me an ideal product which saved me from acnes and blackhead problems. It is Avène Cleanance EXPERT and I'll do one review about this product in hope to help other people with the same problems.     

About Brand :

Avene has over 270 years of expertise in caring for sensitive skin and is trusted by millions worldwide. At the heart of the brand is Avene Thermal Spring Water in France in natural soothing source clinically shown by over 150 studies to soothe, soften and calm the skin.
Ingredients :

Water (Agua), Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides, Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum), Glycerin, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Zinc Oxide, Propylene Glycol, Polyglyceryl 2 Sesquiisostearate, PEG 22 Dodecyl Glycol Copolymer, Aluminum Sucrose Octasulfate, Aluminum Stearate, Beeswax (Cera Alba), Copper Sulfate, Magnesium Stearate, Magnesium Sulfate, Microcrystalline Wax (Cera Microcristallina), Zinc Sulfate
About the product :

Avène Cleanance EXPERT is a multi-tasking, powdery-finish moisturiser that works to regulate sebum production and mattify the skin.
Deeply hydrating, the formula delivers a gentle exfoliation without stripping the skin to unclog pores and leave your skin feeling soft, smooth and revitalised.
Fortified with exclusive, triple action patented Diolényl®, the cream will eliminate spots and blemishes, limit the spread of acne causing bacteria and reduce redness and inflammation.Also, Avene Cream can be used on cuts, scrapes, scratches, burns, cracked skin, stitches, diaper rash and post-treatment procedures.

How it works :
1. Monolaurin Fights bacteria and inhibits oil production
2. XPressin Separates Skin Cells and exfoliates
3. Diolenyl is compound which kills bacteria

Packing :

Package have standard Avene white design, matte tube, transparent-white emulsion with the same scent, as all Avene items.
In package comes 40 ml of this amazing cream.

How to use it :

Apply morning or evening after thorough cleansing with Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel.
It can be used alone or in combination with a local medicinal treatment
Most effective when used by: 6 months after opening.

Price :
Prices are different it depends where are you buying it but mostly they are variable from  $19.75 to 25.00 $ and from 19 to 24.

My Review of Product :

I use this product for over a year and I can say that it is worth more than anything I am more than satisfy.
My acne dissapered and the skin looks smoother.
I recommend this product for anyone with similar problems with the skin and acne .
It helped me and I hope it will help you also! :)

Did you maybe used this product already?
Write me in comment and see you soon with next post! :)

Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Expert Review

Još kao tinejdžer sam oduvek imao problema sa aknama i mitiserima.
To mi je stvorilo veliku neprijatnost, a moje samopouzdanje je bledelo. Ali, kako su godine prolazile akne su se smanjivale i mitiseri polako nestajali.
Medjutim sasvim je normalno da nije sve nestalo, još uvek postoji mesto na licu, gde se redovno pojavljuju s vremena na vreme.
Ali, to se promenilo, od kako sam slučajno u apoteci našao rešenje za moj problem.Moj
farmaceut mi je preporučio idealan proizvod koji me je spasao od problema sa aknama i mitiserima. To je Avene Cleanance Ecpert i ja ću vam predstaviti mali review o ovom proizvodu sa nadom da cu  pomoći i  drugim ljudima sa istim problemom.

O Brendu :

Avene ima preko 270 godina iskustva u brizi za osetljivu kožu i poverenje million ljudi širom sveta. U srcu brenda su Avene termalne vode u Francuskoj u prirodnom umirujućem izvoru 150 kliničkih studija su  pokazale da  umiruje, omekšava i smiruje kožu.


Voda (Agua), kaprilic / kapric trigliceridi, Mineralno ulje (parafinum likuidum), glicerin, hidrogenizovano biljno ulje, cink oksid, propilen glikol, poligliceril 2 Seskuisostearate, peg 22 Dodecil glikol kopolimera, Aluminijum saharoza Oktasulfate, aluminijum stearat, pčelinji vosak (Cera Alba ), bakar sulfat, magnezijum-stearat, magnezijum sulfat, mikrokristalna Vak (Cera Microcristallina), cink sulfat

O proizvodu:
Avene Cleanance ekspert je multi-tasking krema koji radi i reguliše proizvodnju masne kože.
Formula duboke hidratacije daje blagi piling bez skidanja kože na pore i ostavlja kožu mekom, glatkom i revitalizovanom.
Obogaćen ekskluzivnim trostrukim dejstvom Diolenil®, krema će eliminisati mesta i fleke, ograničava širenje akni koje izazivaju bakterije i smanjuju crvenilo I upale.
Takodje, Avene krema može da se koristi na posekotine, ogrebotine, opekotine, ispucaloj koži, nakon uboda, osipa i procedure posle tretmana.

Kako funkcioniše  :

1. Monolaurin se bori protiv bakterija i sprečava mašćenje koze
2. ExPresin odvaja ćelije kože I regeneriše ih
3. Diolenil je jedinjenje koje uništava bakterije


Paket ima standardni Avene beli dizajn, mat cev, prozirno-belu emulziju sa istim mirisom, kao i sve Avene stavke.
U paketu dolazi 40 ml ove neverovatne kreme.

Kako se koristi :

Nanesite ujutru ili uveče posle temeljnog čišćenja sa Avene Cleanance gela za čišćenje.
Može se koristiti samo ili u kombinaciji sa lokalnom medicinskim tretmanom.
Najefikasnije iskoristiti : 6 meseci nakon otvaranja.

Cena : 
Cene se razlikuju zavisi od toga gde  ga kupujujete, ali cena  uglavnom varira od $ 19.75 do 25.00 $ i od 19 do 24.

Moj Review proizvoda :

Ja koristim ovaj proizvod više od godinu dana i mogu reći da vredi više od bilo čega I vise sam nego zadovoljan.
Moj akne su nestale i koža izgleda glatko.
Preporučujem ovaj proizvod za bilo koga sa sličnim problemima sa kožom i aknama.
Meni  je pomoglo ,nadam se da će vama pomoći takođe! :)
Da li ste možda koristili ovaj proizvod već?
Pišite mi u komentarima i vidimo se uskoro sa sledećim postom! :)

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  1. I should recommend this to my husband since he's had issues with his skin for a long time. Thank you for the review :-)

    ~ Jasmin N
    // littlethingswithjassy.com

    1. I think it will help him because it is great for all skin types and against all skin problems :D

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  2. Will be a good one for my husband! Great review x Sabine

  3. I've never heard of this brand before, glad that this product worked for you

  4. Sounds like a great product. I've never heard of the brand but I'll def keep an eye out.

  5. I'm a huge fan of Avene! I love their mist and I think I'm going to try this one out.

    1. I have not tried other Avene products but I'm sure I will because this product is left a great impression on me! :D

  6. great review really indepth, going to have to recommend this product to a friend of mine that's been struggling with their skin :)

  7. Hey. Thanks for taking the time not only to explain how it works but what the active ingredients are. I haven't had a real problem with acne but my daughter is coming up on that age and having something for her that works is a good thing.

    1. You welcome David :D
      Teenage acnes are a normal thing, but just as I wrote acnes appear and disappear with age but it's always great to have a good product against them. :D

  8. Great insight on the product and it's benefits. Thanks for sharing.


  9. Great review. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I've never heard of this brand before, but sounds like a great product.

  11. I very rarely suffer from acne, but I know a lot of my friends do, so this is something I'm definitely going to recommend to them! Thanks for writing such an indepth review!

    1. Thank you so much for a nice comment! I hope this product can help also other people like it helped me :)

  12. I am going to have to try this. I have had some skin issues and I think this could be the way to go.


    1. I hope it will help me also like it helped me! :D

  13. Avene seems like a good brand. Haven't tried any of their product.

  14. Haven't used this one, but the brand is great :)

    1. You should try it, it is very good product :)

  15. Avene makes such nice products! I'll have to give this one a try :)

    1. I still didn't tryed other Avene products but i will :D

  16. I haven't used this one, but my old cleanser is running out so I'm completely in the market for a new one!

    1. I heard that Cleanser is very good it is on my wishlist for buying :D

  17. Avene is such great brand and I'm so glad you found THE perfect product for yourself!

  18. Thanks for sharing! While I don't have a problem with acne, I do have extremely dry skin and I'm always looking for a good moisturizer!

    1. I could recommend you Hydrance Optimale RICH Hydrating Cream from Avene :D it is against dry skin :D

  19. Happy to hear that the product worked for you. Good review!

  20. It can be really hard to get acne under control. So glad you've found this that works for you! Sounds like a great product. Ree love30.

    1. Thank you so much! :D I was fighting acne very long time till i found this product :D

  21. Avene was the first skincare products I got myself. I should start using it again. Thanks for your review. I will be able to say goodbye to stubborn acne using this amazing product.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope it will help you against acnes! :)


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