Hi people, how are you?
For several months now, I have not written about my monthly favorites and since I returned from my vacation I would like to share with you my favorites of month June!
So let's start ...
The summer is here!
When people ask me why I love the summer, I just tell them who does not love it ?
Sun, ice cream, cocktails, sea and beach, my birthday, sunbathing, swimming, vacation, comfortable clothes etc ...
Just enough reason for the thought of it to bring the smile back to my face.
Greece is wonderful
Did I tell you that I spent the first half of June in Greece?
It was beautiful, the island of Kos by who knows which time, more and more surprising me with its beauty, beautiful beaches and nature as well as the sea that takes away breath.
People are kind and communicative and food in restaurants is a precious and delicious right Mediterranean.
You will soon be able to see more about Greece in my first travel post where I will share with you some of the most beautiful places I have visited.
Wonder Woman Movie
Definitely one of the best if not even the best movie I've watched in the last couple of years, the movie took me literally through the story itself and then the fighting scenes, Gal Gadot has performed a fantastic presentation of the Wonder Woman character and as a DC Fan I can say I'm thrilled.
Favourite DIY Galaxy Mirror Cake
Favourite music
What are your favorites in the month of June?
Write me in comments and see you soon with a new post ...;)
Pozdrav drugari , kako ste?
Evo već par meseci nisam pisao o svojim mesečnim favoritima i pošto sam se vratio sa odmora voleo bih da sa vama podelim svoje favorite juna!
Pa da počnemo...
Leto je tu!
Kad me ljudi pitaju zašto volim leto ja im samo kažem ko ga još ne voli?
Sunce,sladoled,kokteli,more i plaža,moj rodjendan,sunčanje,kupanje,godišnji odmori,udobna odeća itd...
Dovoljno razloga da mi sama pomisao na leto vrati osmeh na lice.
Grčka je predivna
Da li sam vam rekao da sam prvu polovinu juna proveo u Grckoj?
Bilo je predivno, ostrvo Kos me po ko zna koji put sve više i više iznenadjuje svojom lepotom,predivnim plažama i prirodom kao i morem koji oduzima dah.
Ljudi su ljubazni i komunikativni a hrana u restoranima je preukusna prava Mediterijanska.
Više o Grčkoj uskoro moći ćete da vidite u mom prvom travel postu gde ću sa vama podeliti neke od najlepših lokacija koje sam posetio.
Film Wonder Woman
Definitivno jedan od najboljih ako ne i najbolji film koji sam odgledao u zadnjih par godina, film me je oduvao bukvalno samom radnjom priče pa zatim i scenama borbe, Gal Gadot je odradila fantastičnu prezentaciju Wonder Woman lika i kao DC Fan mogu reći da sam oduševljen.
Omiljeni DIY Galaxy Mirror Cake
Omiljena muzika
Koji su vaši favoriti meseca juna?
Pišite mi u komentarima i vidimo se uskoro sa novim postom... ;)