Things That Made Me Happy This Month
10:54 AMHello people, how are you?
I have not been on the blog for a long time, so it can be said almost half a year, as I remember since June.
Too much obligations and other things that I had a focus on but less time although honestly and a bit laziness for blogging as well as lack of idea and inspiration to be completely honest.
Since we entered this new year, I got some desire to write and blog again, I got inspiration and ideas constantly every day from all sides, and the ideas themselves are coming suddenly.
So now I decided to share with you things that made me happy this month. There is so much things i would write , but I am willing to choose Top things that truly made me very happy and fulfilled for the last month.
So let's start....
Visit to Serbia
Who does not like to come to his home country !?
My Serbia is the land of Sljivovica, kajmak, ćevapčići, roasting, ajvar, karadjordjeva schnitzel and of course nothing without Sarma ... just a moment to jump to the fridge I got hungry from this.
Every time i also must make a visit to Novi Sad my favorite city.
Christmas with my family
I think it's the most beautiful feeling when I come home and spend the best time with them.
I do not have the opportunity to see them so often because I live in Switzerland, but this time I was so touched that in two months I visited twice , for the first time in November and the second time in January. I spent a wonderful Christmas with them next to Christmas tradicional food and festive atmosphere.
Making Česnica and Cakes with Mom
The most beautiful part was definitely making a Christmas Česnica with Mom. And even better tasting the same.
The taste was phenomenal, rich in various flavors and ingredients that gave her an absolutely gorgeous aroma.
The recipe for this tradicional pie is secret as my mom says, because this Česnica has won her a few culinary competitions and people adore it.
Immediately after Christmas, there was a turning point for making cakes for patron saint of St. Stephen.
The first cake we made is Greek Ice Cream Cake I adore and you can find the recipe on my other culinary blog here (link), and the second cake is the Choko Moko Cake for which recipe you can see here (link)
Cakes definitely left a great impression on the guests! :)
For all people who don't know :
In Serbian tradicion especially in Vojvodina česnica is not a kind of bread, but a pastry made of layers of filo filled with roughly chopped nuts and raisins, similar to baklava but drier and is usually made exclusively with added honey. A coin is placed at some point between the layers.
By tradition they say that person who finds a coin he will have luck with money through whole year!
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Česnica |
Christmas gifts for kids
There is nothing more beautiful than the smile of children especially when it comes to Christmas gifts.
We made Christmas packets with sweets from Switzerland and I could tell you they were more than amazed.
The feeling immediately brought me back 20 years in the past when I was a child and how much I loved Christmas and Easter and how much as a child eagerly awaited what I will get from Santa Claus or Rabbit for Easter.
My new phone
I decided to honor myself with a new phone and I choosed the Samsung J7 (2016) because it seemed to me it was the most practical one. It is very important to me that the phone has a good camera, memory and that it is practical for use, and I found it in this phone. The only disadvantage is that it's huge but slowly I am getting used to it.
Return to the German School
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I learn it, still. Slowly but surely.
I was really happy right after returning to Switzerland to go back to the German school and to share impressions from Serbia with my colleagues from the class.
As well as to continue where I stopped learning. Somehow before, I did not have a great appetite for the German but with time it came to its place and the desire to learn it was turned into a priority.
Return to blogging
As I wrote at the beginning, a lot of obligations and a lack of time have made my own to pause both my blogs for half a year, but I decided to go back to blogging because I have lots of materials and much to share with you. Soon I will start writing about my travels so that the travel section will be filled with pictures of the beautiful parts of Switzerland, Greece and Serbia. :)
What made you happy this month?
Write me in comments and we will see us in the next post! ;)
Pozdrav ljudi , kako ste?
Dugo me nije bilo na blogu,pa može se reći skoro pola godine , koliko se sećam od juna.
Previše obaveza i druge stvari na koje sam imao fokus ali i premalo vremena, mada iskreno i pomalo lenjosti za blogovanje kao i nedostatak idea i inspiracije da budem u potpunosti iskren.
Od kako smo ušli u ovu novu godinu nekako mi se želja za pisanje i blogovanje vratila, ispiraciju crpim konstantno i svakodnevno sa svih strana i ideje se same nižu.
Tako i sad odlučio sam da sa vama podelim stvari koje su me učinile srećnim ovog meseca.Toliko toga lepog se izdešavalo ali potudiću se da izaberem one stvari zbog kojih sam zaista u potpunosti bio srećan i ispunjen zadnjih mesec dana.
Pa da počnemo....
Poseta Srbiji
Ko još ne voli da dodje u svoju zemlju!?
Moja Srbija je zemlja Šljivovice,kajmaka,ćevapa,pečenja,ajvara,karadjordjeve šnicle i naravno obavezne sarme...samo trenutak da skoknem do frižidera ogladneo sam od ovoga.
Uz svaki dolazak obavezna je poseta Novom Sadu mom omiljenom gradu.
Božić sa porodicom
Ja mislim da je to najlepši osećaj kad dodjem kući i provedem najlepše vreme sa njima.
Nemam tu priliku da ih vidim toliko često jer živim u Švajcarskoj ali ovaj put se tako zadesilo da sam u roku od 2 meseca dva puta dolazio u posetu, prvi put u novembru a drugi put u januaru. Proveo sam predivan Božić sa njima uz Božićnu trpezu i prazničnu atmosferu.
Pravljenje Česnice i torti sa mamom
Najlepši deo je definitivno bio pravljenje Božićne česnice sa mamom. A još lepši isprobavanje iste.
Česnica je bila fenomenalna,bogata različitim ukusima i sastojcima koje su joj dale apsolutno predivnu aromu.
Recept za ovu česnicu je kako kaze ona tajna, jer ipak joj je ova česnica donela pobedu na par kulinarskih takmičenja i ljudi je obožavaju.
Odmah posle Božića došao je i red na pravljenje torti za krsnu slavu svetog Stefana.
Prva torta je Grčka Sladoled torta koju ja obožavam i recept možete naći na mom drugom kulinarskom blogu ovde (link) , a druga torta je Čoko moko torta za koju recept možete videti ovde (link)
Torte su definitivno ostavile odličan utisak na goste! :)
Božićni pokloni za decu
Nema ničega lepše od osmeha dece pogotovo kad su u pitanju Božićni pokloni.
Spremili smo za decu Božićne paketiće sa slatkišima iz Švajcarske i mogu vam reći bili su i više nego oduševljeni.
Osećaj me odmah vrati 20 godina u prošlost kad sam bio dete i koliko sam obožavao Božić i Uskrs i koliko sam kao dete željno isčekivao šta ću dobiti od deda Mraza ili Zeca za Uskrs.
Moj novi fon
Odlučio sam sebe da počastim novim fonom i odabrao sam Samsung J7 (2016) jer mi je nekako delovao najpraktičnije.Za mene je jako bitno da fon ima dobru kameru,memoriju i da je praktičan za upotrebu i to sam i pronašao u ovom fonu. Jedina mana mu je što je glomazan ali polako se navikavam.
Povratak u Školu Nemačkog
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Ja ga učim, jos uvek. Polako ali sigurno.
Bio sam zaista srećan odmah po povratku u Švajcarsku da krenem opet u školu Nemačkog i da zajedno sa mojim kolegama iz razreda podelim utiske iz Srbije.
Kao i da nastavim tamo gde sam stao sa učenjem. Nekako pre nisam imao velik apetit za Nemačkim ali sa vremenom i to je došlo na svoje mesto i želja da ga naučim je prešla u prioritet.
Povratak na blogging
Kao što sam već napisao na početku mnogo obaveza i nedostatak vremena učinili su svoje da pauziram oba svoja bloga na pola godine ali odlučio sam da se vratim blogovanju jer imam puno materijala i mnogo toga da podelim sa vama. Uskoro ću krenuti da pišem i o svojim putovanjima tako da će i travel deo biti ispunjen slikama prelepih delova Švajcarske,Grčke i Srbije. :)
Šta je vas učinilo srećnim zadnjih mesec dana?
Pišite mi u komentarima a mi se vidimo u narednom postu! ;)
Wow, Česnica looks amazing! I love that you keep a monthly list of the things that make you happy. I'd like to get into this habit as well. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved reading such happy thoughts! Your cake was beautiful. Glad you had a good holiday!
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